CIEH 2010
International Congress of Human Aging
CIEH 2010

April 28 - 30, 2010

The demand for technical and academic studies on the phenomenon of longevity suggests new approaches to guide and promote public policies in the economic, social, psychological, and especially in the field of Health.

With  the discussion and reflection on aging a new thinking is approached, wich also means transforming the aging process into an object of scientific knowledge, understanding this not only for visibility of population growth, but also and above all, the looks that reveal the interface with the social construction.

The longevity of the complexity of issues surrounding it, proposes the development of knowledge that takes into account a multidisciplinary perspective, the background inherent in the question is effectively deployed.

Within this context, the University of Passo Fundo believes that with the integration of forces involving different areas of knowledge, we can generate new knowledge related to aging and to humanize and democratize their learning.

Telma Elita Bertolin and Maria Luisa Tagliaro
CIEH President


© 2010 - Universidade de Passo Fundo - Divisão de TI