Antonio Manuel Godinho da Fonseca
Degree in Psychology and Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Porto. He is currently associate professor at the Universidade Catolica de Portugual(UCP), where he teaches the discipline of developmental psychology in adults and the elderly, in the course of Psychology, from theSchool of Education and Psychology - UCP. He also collaborates in activities of instruction and research at the Institute of Bioethics and the Institute of Health Sciences of that University.He is a co-founding member of the Unit for Research and Training for Adults and the Elderl, a unit of I & D based in ICBAS - University of Porto. In recent years he has devoted his research activity in the field of psychology to issues of psychological development and the aging process and is the author of several books on the subject, including “Aging, a psychological approach”(UCE, 2006, 2nd edition ), “Human development and aging” (Climepsi Publishers, 2005) and (co-authored) “Aging in Portugal” (Climep Publishers, 2005). At this moment, there are two investigations: one on Profiles of Aging in Portugal (funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) and one on “Successful Aging” (funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology).
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